Hello fellow human!

I'm Michael Li, and you're looking at my website! You may have accidently stumbled upon here, or maybe you're the Google Review Team analyzing my homepage ;) Whoever you may be, I hope you find something interesting!

Personal Projects

  • Digit Recognizer with ML

    The pinnalce of bashing. Don't know something? Just repeat the task 100 000 times and you'll get it eventually ;D Created entirely by hand in Java, lots of sweat and tears can be found in this project.

  • Competitive Programming

    If only I could WA less often... Here are my solutions from various contests, such as Codeforces and USACO, on mainly the DMOJ and Codeforces juidge.

  • Google Apps Script

    Currently in the process of publishing an app that streamlines the creation of Google Forms.
    Google Review Team orz

Art projects

I ocassionaly create drawings here and there. Post schedule: new post everytime I post (:

Project Highlight!

Ditch the manual creation of Forms with a streamlined experience that automates the tedious work. Sigma, the free, intuitive, and visually pleasing Spreadsheet add-on you never knew you needed.

  • 52 Commits
  • 1 Hidden Gem
  • 2.5 Users

Store your questions in Google Sheets and seamlessly create your Google Forms. Sigma can:
  - Compress Form's essential features at the tip of your fingers. (e.g. multiple choice, checkbox grid, paragraph responses, etc.)
  - Enable you to easily customize your Form settings (e.g. limit one response, edit response after submission, show progress bar, etc.)
  - Automate your forms by generating questions randomly pulled from your question bank.
Crafted for teachers with insights from teachers, spend time doing what you enjoy and let Sigma do the tedious work.